😎2024 Summer News UPDATE!

2024 Summer News UPDATE

A summary of recent childcare news plus resources, updates and behind the scenes at Minding Kids!

And so, the summer holidays have drawn to a close, and we’re diving headfirst into a new term. I hope you all managed to recharge your batteries with some well-deserved rest and relaxation. While the summer may be over, the challenges and rewards of childcare remain constant.

Welcome to our new visitors, and a heartfelt thank you to our loyal members, customers, and followers for your continued support. Whether you’re just starting out in childcare or a seasoned professional, we hope Minding Kids can provide valuable resources and support throughout your journey.

In the News…

⚠️Emergency Procedure Review

Recent events in the UK underline the critical need for childcare settings to be prepared for emergencies. The disturbing incidents of disorder, violence, and racism have understandably raised concerns about safety. As caregivers, it’s our responsibility to ensure that our settings are secure and protective environments for both children and staff.

Regularly reviewing and updating your emergency procedures is essential. This includes steps for evacuations, lockdowns, and responses to specific threats. The Emergency Evacuation Procedure and Terrorist Attack / National Emergency Policy templates in the Minding Kids Policies & Procedures Pack can serve as valuable starting points. Customise these templates to align with your setting’s unique circumstances and ensure that all staff members are trained and familiar with the procedures. By being well-prepared, we can create a sense of security and reassurance for both children and their families.


💻Keeping Children’s Data Safe: New Tool for Privacy Notices

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has launched a new tool to help childcare providers develop robust privacy notices. A privacy notice explains how you handle the personal information of children and their families. Having a clear and up-to-date privacy notice is essential to comply with data protection regulations and to build trust with parents.

Find the ICO Privacy Notice Generator here

Minding Kids also offers a template Privacy Notice within our Policies & Procedures Pack. This pack covers a wide range of essential childcare policy templates which can be edited as required to suit your setting and circumstances.


🚽Navigating Toilet Training Success

Toilet training can be a challenging journey for parents and childcare providers alike. Conflicting advice and the pressure to achieve independence before starting school can often lead to frustration, particularly for the child.

This summer, the Children’s charity ERIC launched their Toilet Train campaign, inviting children and parents to participate in an online challenge. Additionally, the nursery group Busy Bees has generously shared downloadable activities and tips on their website to support children and families through this important milestone.

Ensuring a child is ready for toilet training and collaborating with parents to maintain consistent support at home and in your care setting is crucial for success. Implementing a clear potty training policy can greatly assist in this process. You can find an editable template for your policy in our Policies & Procedures Pack.

Recognising children’s efforts and providing positive reinforcement is another essential step. Download our Toilet Training Star Chart and Hive Five Awards from our Certificates & Rewards Pack to encourage children throughout their potty training journey.

Toilet Training Star Chart_EXAMPLE


💡Saving Energy in your setting

With the upcoming Energy Price Cap rise, managing childcare costs just got a little tougher. Finding ways to keep cost down and reducing our energy use is essential. By implementing simple measures like improving insulation, using energy-efficient appliances, and controlling heating and water usage, you can significantly lower your energy bills. Additionally, exploring government support schemes and encouraging energy-saving practices among staff and children can help you weather the storm.

Fueling a green future: Educate children about the importance of saving energy, not just for costs, but for the planet too! Our Climate Change Activity Pack is packed with fun, eco-friendly ideas to get you started.

Climate Change Activity Pack

🌟Discover more energy-saving tips on the Money Saving Expert website.


For providers registered in Scotland (Care Inspectorate)…. 

📑Programme for Scotland’s Childminding Future

In June the SCMA launched the Programme for Scotland’s Childminding Future (PSCF), a three-year retention and recruitment programme funded by the Scottish Government. The program recognises the challenges childminders face and aims to address them through financial support, training, and mentoring.

Newly registered childminders can access a £750 (minimum) business start-up grant and the PSCF will also pilot innovative retention measures to help keep existing childminders in the workforce, such as providing time off the job and offering peer mentoring.

Visit childminding.org/getstarted for further information. 

❓Ready to start or grow your childcare career? Our New to Childminding Guide has everything you need to get started.


🔄️Preparing for Inspections: Updated Guidance

The Care Inspectorate has released updated guidance to assist you in preparing for inspections and understanding the process. These resources include information on what to expect during the inspection, how to prepare in advance, and how to provide feedback or raise concerns if you’re dissatisfied with any aspect of the inspection.

The “How we inspect regulated services” guidance has been enhanced based on provider feedback, offering clarity on:

  • The inspection process itself
  • Pre-inspection preparation
  • Key areas your inspector will focus on
  • The logistics of the inspection visit
  • The evaluation criteria used
  • How to submit feedback or raise concerns about the inspection

Additionally, the previously internal “Our approach to scrutiny and improvement” guidance is now publicly available. This valuable resource outlines the standards expected of inspectors, emphasising their conduct and the importance of addressing any health and well-being concerns of those being inspected.

📢Providers should be aware that a new Shared Inspection Framework is currently in development to replace the existing Quality Framework for early learning and childcare services, including childminding and school-aged childcare in Scotland.

👉🏽Refer to our “Preparing for Inspection” guide for further tips and resources to support your self-evaluation and inspection readiness.

Preparing for Inspection HOT TOPIC


👤Beware of Bogus Callers: A Care Inspectorate Warning

The Care Inspectorate is reminding providers to be vigilant of fraudulent individuals posing as inspectors. As a vital part of your Safeguarding procedures and to protect the safety of all service users, it’s imperative to verify the identity of any visitors to your setting and the purpose of their visit.

Genuine Care Inspectorate inspectors are always equipped with an ID card displaying their photograph and job title on the front, along with an official letter of authorisation. It’s essential to check these credentials and, if unsure, contact 0345 600 9527 to verify their identity.

If you suspect you have been contacted or visited by a bogus inspector, please report the incident to the police immediately.


💙Scotland’s Landmark Step for Children’s Rights

On 16th July Scotland made history by becoming the first part of the UK to enshrine the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into law. This groundbreaking legislation will require all public authorities in Scotland to protect children and young people’s rights, consider their needs in policy decisions, and allow children to use the courts to enforce their rights.

Key points for childcare providers:

  • Enhanced protection: The new law strengthens the legal basis for protecting children’s rights, including their right to health, education, leisure, fair treatment, and protection from exploitation.
  • Policy implications: Childcare providers should be aware of how this legislation may impact their work, particularly in terms of ensuring that their policies and practices align with the UNCRC.
  • Children’s voices: The law empowers children and young people to have a say in decisions that affect them, reinforcing the importance of involving children in decision-making processes within childcare settings.

This landmark development is a significant step forward in ensuring that children’s rights are respected and protected in Scotland.

Visit the Education Scotland website for further guidance on Recognising and realising children’s rights.

🌟Our Children’s Wellbeing Questionnaire & Review is an excellent resource to gather views and opinions from children about their care and wellbeing. (Supports GIRFEC / SHANARRI)


For providers registered in England (Ofsted)….

💣Early Entitlement Expansion: Challenges Ahead for Providers and Families

The education secretary has warned that families may not get their first-choice childcare providers or the full hours they were promised due to staffing shortages and limited capacity.

A recent study by the National Audio Office showed that local authorities were optimistic about their ability to meet the rising demand for childcare in April 2024. However, this confidence quickly dwindled, with only a third of authorities feeling prepared for the increased demand in September 2024 and less than 10% anticipating sufficient resources for September 2025.

While the government is committed to expanding early entitlement in 2025, there are significant challenges to overcome.

Key points for childcare providers:

  • Increased demand: The expansion of early entitlement will lead to a surge in demand for childcare places.
  • Staffing shortages: A significant number of additional educators are needed to meet the increased demand.
  • Limited capacity: In some areas, the current capacity of childcare providers may not be sufficient to accommodate the expanded offer.

The government is working to address these challenges by creating additional places in primary school classrooms and launching a recruitment campaign to attract more staff to the sector. However, it is likely that childcare providers will continue to face pressures in the coming months and years.


🤜🏽Calls for a Ban on Physical Punishment

In light of a staggering 300% increase in calls to its helpline, the NSPCC is calling upon the government to follow the lead of Scotland and Wales by implementing a complete ban on physical punishment against children.

Childcare providers are at the forefront of safeguarding children and must be equipped to identify both the physical and emotional indicators of abuse. It’s essential to know how to respond if you suspect a child is at risk. Minding Kids offers a wealth of resources on our website to assist you in this critical area, including comprehensive Safeguarding information and effective positive behaviour management techniques. Every child deserves to feel safe, secure, and supported.

Safeguarding Pocket Cards Advert Managing Challenging Behaviour POSTER


For providers registered in Wales (Care Inspectorate Wales)….

🆕New Approach to Promoting Improvement

The Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) has unveiled a new approach to supporting childcare and play settings in continuous improvement. This includes the introduction of quality meetings, annual quality conferences, and increased focus on sharing positive practice.

Key changes to expect:

  • Quality Meetings: These meetings will replace previous improvement meetings and offer a broader discussion about overall service quality.
  • Annual Quality Conferences: These events will showcase positive practices and address common challenges in the childcare sector.
  • Increased Sharing of Positive Practice: CIW will share success stories through its website and social media channels.
  • Targeted Inspections: CIW will prioritize inspections of settings that require significant improvement, while maintaining regular inspections of those providing high-quality care.

The CIW encourages providers to review their quality of care review processes to ensure they are effectively supporting improvement within their settings.

🌟Looking to enhance your childcare service? Our Self-Evaluation and Improvement resources offer practical ideas to help you excel.

IMAGE_ Effective Management of ServiceIMAGE_ Supporting Healthy LifestylesCPD Review


 🎬And Behind the Scenes:

🔮New Platform Preparations

In June, we were thrilled to welcome a group of dedicated testers who generously volunteered their time to explore the new Minding Kids App and provide invaluable feedback on its design and features. A heartfelt thank you to all who participated! Your insights have been instrumental in refining the final touches of this revamped platform. We’ve carefully considered all feedback and implemented suggested improvements to ensure the new design is the best it can be.

Currently, we’re awaiting instructions from our developers to move into the final stage of testing. This crucial step will guarantee that the new mobile version of the app performs seamlessly across all devices and operating systems.

While we’re eager to announce a launch date, it’s essential that we prioritise these final steps to ensure a smooth transition for all our customers. Stay tuned for updates! The new platform has been a monumental undertaking, requiring dedication and perseverance. However, I’m committed to realising my vision, and the finish line is steadily drawing closer.

💖Your Voice Matters!

Do our resources make your life easier? Is the app saving you time? We value your feedback and suggestions for improvement. Whether you have ideas for new resources, app features, or simply want to share your experience, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can contact us through the website contact form or our Facebook page.

🫶🏽Together, we can make Minding Kids even better!


Since our Spring Newsletter we have added and updated the following resources…

2024 / 2025 Academic Activity Planner – Map out engaging topics, themes, and activity ideas for the entire school year.

Learning Journals – Updated and reorganised into separate packs for each nation plus added outcome sheets for Developmental pathways 0 to 3 (Wales)

Learning Journals_SCOTLAND_Advert Learning Journals_ENGLAND_Advert Learning Journals_WALES_Advert

Summer ToolKit – Activities, Resources, and Safety Tips for a Sensational Summer! Including our FREE Summer Scavenger Hunt – This downloadable activity is packed with summer fun, challenging children to find all sorts of classic summer items.

Summer Toolkit Summer Scavenger Hunt

NEW Development Pathways Pocket Cards! – Printable pocket cards to track milestones, support observations & empower informed decisions for early childhood development.

Development Pathways Pocket Cards Advert

Olympic Games Activity Ideas Sheet – Spark Olympic Fun with this FREE downloadable activity sheet packed with exciting ideas that promote movement, teamwork, creativity, and learning – all with an Olympic twist!

Olympic Games Activity Ideas

We have also

Celebrated National Numeracy Day with tips and resources to help Make Every Day Count!

National Numeracy Day

Helped you Supercharge Safety in Your Setting: Child Safety Week

Supercharge Safety in Your Setting Child Safety Week

Provided Fun Activities to Spark School Readiness!

Spark School Readiness!

Explored Why Parent Feedback Matters and successful strategies for Building Stronger Partnerships

Building Stronger Partnerships

Demonstrated various tools available to help Power Up Your Planning!

Power Up Your Planning

Went WILD! For Animal Awareness Days with ideas to Spark Curiosity and Learning 

Time to Go WILD!

Offered tips to Welcome New Faces and provided an Essential Checklist for the New Term.

Welcoming New Faces New Term Essential Checklist

💥PLUS introduced New Learning Frameworks for the Minding Kids App!

New Learning Frameworks for the Minding Kids App!



Remember Minding Kids Members have unlimited access to all Minding Kids resources immediately as they are added or updated!

👉🏼Find details of our Membership Packages here!

Coming Soon…

💥The NEW Minding Kids Experience!

New App Superpowers

Thank you to all for your continued support!

💖Cheryl & The Minding Kids Team! xxx

Avatar - Cheryl