Messy Play Recipe Book
An AMAZING Recipe Book bursting with fun ideas for MESSY PLAY and LEARNING!
Recipes include ideas for supporting development in each of the learning areas!
This AMAZING Recipe Book is bursting with fun ideas for MESSY PLAY!
Fantastic for development these messy play ideas will provide hours of fun Squishing, Squashing, Cutting, Scooping, Flicking, Pouring, Mixing, Stirring, Shaking, Printing, Splatting, Spraying, Measuring, and LEARNING!
Messy play offers several opportunities for learning and is essential for early childhood development. Fine motor skills can be developed through activities such as mark making, cutting and using tools and instruments whilst coordination is also enhanced through pouring, spooning, and stacking. As the majority of activities are group based, children can communicate with each other, learn how to use gestures, share, negotiate and explain ideas. Messy play encourages children to try out new experiences and explore their senses. They will learn about materials and textures, smells, tastes, shapes, colours and form whilst also investigating how substances can change or be manipulated. By exploring different materials and using different tools and techniques, they can develop creativity and imagination as well as building on problem solving skills.
There is no end to learning through messy play!
Print and use as individual sheets or bind as desired to create a fun Messy Play Recipe Book for your setting.
MindingKids suggests laminating the pages for better durability during the messy play fun!
Includes ALL of the following:
- Front Cover
- Contents Sheet including an introduction to Messy Play
- The Benefits – Learning Across the Development Areas
- Paint Messy Play Activities
- Water Messy Play Activities
- Edible Messy Play Activities
PLUS…Recipes for the following:
- Gloop
- Papier Mache
- Bubble Snake
- Clean Mud
- Cloud Dough
- Edible Slime
- Moon Sand
- Rainbow Rice
All recipe sheets include ideas of how to make your messy play material, what do or make with it PLUS ideas for supporting development in each of the learning areas!
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