BIG Kids Activity File
This pack is BURSTING with FUN educational activity inspiration for school aged children. Exciting ideas to keep active, expand imaginations, encourage exploration, build on creativity and inspire children to discover and learn. INCLUDES ACTIVITY PLANS and ideas for supporting development in each of the learning areas!
Looking for some FUN educational activity inspiration for school aged children?
This activity file is bursting with exciting ideas to keep BIG kids busy!
No need to be bored after school or fed up during the holidays, these activity ideas will keep children active, expand imaginations, encourage exploration, build on creativity and keep children inspired to discover and learn.
There are a multitude of activity suggestions in this pack, aimed mainly at school aged children, that are both educational and fun to do.
HOWEVER…there is no reason why younger children can’t get involved too. In fact, asking older children to help little ones gives them a great sense of responsibility whilst also encouraging interaction and self-confidence.
An all round brilliant resource to keep children busy, learning and having fun!
Includes ALL of the following:
- Front Cover
- Contents Sheet including an introduction to the BIG Kids Activity File
- BIG Kids – Active Activities
- BIG Kids – Creative Activities
- BIG Kids – Explorer Activities
- BIG Kids -Edible Activities
AND Activity Plans for:

All Activity Plan Sheets include instructions, list of resources required, further ideas of how to expand the activity PLUS ideas for supporting development in each of the learning areas!
Please see the Further Details tab above for file format and supply information.
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All files for the BIG Kids Activity File are supplied as PDF Files and are not editable.
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