🏫New Term, New Beginnings: Your Essential Checklist

New Term Essential Checklist

The start of a new term is an exciting time, filled with new beginnings and fresh opportunities. However, it can also be a period of significant planning and preparation. To help you navigate this busy time, Minding Kids has put together this essential checklist to ensure a smooth transition for both you and the children in your care.

1. Welcome Back and Welcome Newcomers

Creating a warm and inclusive environment is essential for both returning and new families.

🫱🏽‍🫲🏼Build connections: Schedule welcome meetings and settling-in sessions to help everyone feel comfortable.

🌟Spark curiosity: Introduce new activities and displays to generate excitement and engagement.

Visual Timetable

Healthy Living Display

🧑‍🤝‍🧑Foster friendships: Organise fun games to encourage social interaction and help children get to know each other.

All About ME Workbook Advert


2. Essential Information for Parents

Keeping parents informed is key to building trust and strong partnerships.

📑Create a comprehensive information pack: Detail your service, routines, and any upcoming changes.

Service Information & Marketing Pack_AD

🔎Review and update policies: Ensure parents are clear about your setting’s expectations and procedures.

♻️Refresh Parent Notice Boards: Keep information fresh and relevant and ensure families have access to important contact details.

Setting Poster Pack ADVERT


3. Ensure your setting is safe, organised, and meets the needs of every child.

❓Update child care plans: Review and update care plans to reflect children’s current needs and support requirements.

Care Plans & Consents Pack

✅Verify contact details: Check and update emergency contact information for all children.

Child Information / Emergency Cards

⚠️Prioritise safety: Conduct a thorough risk assessment of your setting and refresh your child protection knowledge.

Risk Assessments Pack

Safeguarding Pocket Cards Advert


4. Planning for Success

Effective planning is the cornerstone of a well-run childcare setting.

📆Stay organised: Use planners and schedules to manage your time and tasks efficiently.

Power Up Your Planning

🍴Prepare for mealtimes: Plan and prepare healthy meals and snacks for the week ahead.

🪄Create engaging activities: Develop stimulating activities and themes based on children’s interests.


5. Streamline Your Record Keeping

Efficient record-keeping saves time and ensures effective communication with parents.

🛠️Choose the Right Tools: Use logbooks, diaries, and learning records to document and share information. Minding Kids can help find the RIGHT Resources for YOU!

📱Embrace Digital Solutions: Explore the benefits of the Minding Kids App for streamlined management.

With our user-friendly app you can manage routines, journal activities, track development progress, PLUS securely share daily updates and photographs with parents, keeping them informed and engaged.

➡️Learn more and Access the FREE Trial HERE!

🌟PLUS Stay tuned for the exciting launch of the new Minding Kids App!

New App Superpowers

The new app will offer even more features to boost communication and organisation, including:

  • Parent Access: Parents can view their child’s activities, receive notifications, and manage preferences directly within the app.
  • Streamlined Organisation: Manage tasks, finances, and reports with ease.
  • Richer Documentation: Include videos alongside photos and share important documents with parents.

Sign up now and have all your data transferred to the new platform once it’s good to go!

❤️Minding Kids is here to support you!

For a wealth of practical resources, tips, and tools, visit our Resources page or become a Minding Kids member for unlimited access to our downloads and App.

By following these steps and utilising the resources available, you can ensure a smooth start to the new term and create a thriving learning environment for all the children in your care.

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