Ratio Variation Pack
Everything you need to manage and plan for a Ratio Variation / Exception to Ratios, assess the risks of a variation and inform parents of a proposed change to your registration conditions.
All childcare providers must comply by their child : staff ratios as detailed on their registration certificate, HOWEVER…
Circumstances may arise where providers wish to request an exception or variation to their permitted ratios for example to provide care for sibling babies or to maintain continuity of care for children already attending the setting.
This pack can assist with managing adult to child ratios, assessing the risks of a variation and informing parents of a proposed change to your registration conditions.
- Ratio Management Chart
- Exception to Ratios Risk Assessment
- Parent Notification Letter Templates
Circumstances requiring a Ratio Variation / Exception to Ratios
The maximum number of children you can provide care for at any one time and the ages of these children will be detailed on your Ofsted / Care Inspectorate registration certificate.
Occasionally special circumstances may arise where an adjustment to your ratios may be beneficial to the children and families attending your service. A change in ratios may allow you to provide continuity of care, for example in order to take on a sibling of a child already in attendance, or if you have a baby of your own. Adjusting your ratios would also be necessary in order to provide care for sibling babies.
Before making any changes, it is important that you check the relevant guidance as you may need to seek permission for an exception to ratios from Ofsted / The Care Inspectorate.
In England, the Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage sets out ratio requirements.
In Scotland providers should refer to the Care Inspectorate’s Guidance on adult to child ratios in early learning and childcare settings.
In Wales, the National Minimum Standards for regulated childcare details ratio requirements.
In all circumstances you will need to demonstrate to parents/ carers and inspectors that the individual needs of each child can be met.
This pack contains ALL of the following to assist with managing, risk assessing and notifying parents of a proposed ratio variation:
Ratio Management Chart
Four versions of the chart are provided: one for settings who offer full day places, one for split morning and afternoon sessions, one which includes weekend care and one to accommodate provision for up to four pre-school children, for example in order to provide continuity of care for young siblings or where wrap around care is to be provided for 3 and 4 year olds attending funded sessions at another setting.
At a glance you will be able to see which children attend when, their ages, when any exceptions to ratios occur and whether or not you have space to take on any more children of a certain age group.
Simply choose the chart most appropriate for your setting and circumstances.
Completed examples also included!
📢NOTE: The Ratio Management Chart is also available separately. Find further details here.
Exception to Ratios Risk Assessment
Use this template risk assessment to help you show how you will manage any additional risks that must be considered as a result of the proposed change and also how you will continue to meet all children’s individual care and learning needs.
📢NOTE: This risk assessment is also included in the Risk Assessments Pack. Find further details here.
Parent Notification Letters – Proposed Variation to Ratios
It is important that you inform all families that will be affected by the proposed change to your ratios to ensure that they understand the changes you are making. This template letter can be easily edited as you require to suit the circumstances of your variation and ensure parents are clear that you have considered any additional risks and how you will ensure quality of care.
Includes Parent Confirmation form which can be signed as evidence that you have provided families with all of the necessary information and invited them to discuss any concerns.
Includes Scotland / Care Inspectorate, England / Ofsted and Wales / Care Inspectorate Wales templates!
Please see the Further Details tab above for file format and supply information.
👀You may also be interested in the Childminder Assistant Employment Pack if you employ an assistant or are considering taking on staff which would impact your ratios.
A comprehensive pack for childminders, nurseries or other large childcare settings to assist with recruitment and staff management.
👀Find more resources to support Setting Management HERE!
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This pack is supplied as a Zip File. You may need to install zip extract software in order to access the files. Please see the Help page for further information.
The Ratio Management Charts are supplied as PDF Forms. You can choose to print them out and complete by hand or use your computer / tablet to enter information before saving, printing or sharing digitally.
If you find you cannot type information into PDF forms then you may require to install PDF viewer that permits the use of forms or use an online PDF filler. There are several free options available. You can find further information on how to fill and sign PDF forms on the Adobe website.
The Exception to Ratios Risk Assessment and Parent Notification Letter templates are provided as Microsoft Word documents and are entirely editable.