Welcoming New Faces: Making Them Feel Like Family

Welcoming New Faces

Helping New Starts Shine at Your Childcare Setting

Welcome aboard new little faces! As childcare providers, we know this term brings excitement for both children and families embarking on their childcare journey. But let’s face it, it can also be a touch nerve-wracking, especially for youngsters leaving the comfort of home. Here’s how we can create a warm welcome and foster a sense of belonging from the very start!


Know Your New Arrivals:

Knowledge is key! Before a child arrives, gather information through informal chats with parents, “settling-in” sessions, or utilise our comprehensive Care Plans & Consents Pack. This pack captures vital details like emergency contacts, dietary needs, medical requirements, and any additional support needed.

Care Plans & Consents Pack


Go Beyond the Basics:

Understanding a child’s abilities, routines, and favourite activities allows you to personalise their care and plan activities they’ll love. Encourage parents to complete our fun All About Me Workbook with their child. This creates a precious keepsake and helps children feel more comfortable while you learn about their personality, interests, and family.

All About ME Workbook Advert


Helping Children Settle In:

The first few days are crucial. Here’s how to make them feel welcome:

Gradual Introductions: Start with short settling-in sessions, allowing parents to stay initially. Arrange gradual introductions with staff and other children, letting them adjust at their own pace.

Welcome Buddies: Where possible, pair new children with a friendly, welcoming existing child who can help them feel included.

Home Comforts: Allow children to bring a familiar object like a favourite blanket or toy for security.

Familiar Routines: Try to mirror some of the child’s home routines for familiarity, including nap times, snack times, or familiar songs and books. For babies, ask parents to complete our Baby Care Pack Daily Routine template for consistency and comfort.

Baby Care Plan_Daily Routine_example


Making New Friends:

New friendships are key to feeling integrated. Here are some activities to encourage interaction:

Circle Time Fun: Introduce new children during circle time, allowing other children to greet them with a song or handshake.

Sharing is Caring: Plan activities where children can share their favourite toys or books, fostering a sense of community and getting to know each other.

“All About Me” Activities: Use the Minding Kids All About Me Workbook or create “All About Me” posters to help children introduce themselves and discover similarities and differences with their peers.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Organise games that require teamwork and communication, fostering a sense of belonging and cooperation.

Summer Scavenger Hunt Emotion Explorer Adventure Game Animal Action & Alphabet Cards


Feedback for Improvement:

Understanding how your settling-in procedures are working allows you to improve for future arrivals. Provide parents with a Settling In Questionnaire after a few weeks to hear feedback and address any issues early on.

Parent & Child Questionnaires

By taking the time to understand each child and creating a welcoming, supportive environment, we ensure a smooth transition for new children and their families. Remember, a happy and secure child is a child ready to learn and thrive!

❤️Minding Kids is here to support you!

Ensure a smooth start to the new term and create a thriving learning environment for all the children in your care.

For a wealth of practical resources, tips, and tools, visit our Resources page or become a Minding Kids member for unlimited access to our downloads and App.

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