Approved ELC Provider – Childminder Checklist
A FREE checklist carefully designed to assist childminders registered in Scotland understand and meet the criteria set out in The National Standard for Early Learning and Childcare Providers when applying for funded provider status.
Scottish Government – Early Learning & Childcare Expansion – Are YOU interested in becoming an approved funded provider?
Download this FREE Checklist to help you prepare and gather all the evidence you require to support your application.
The Scottish Government is increasing funded childcare entitlement from 600 to 1,140 hours per year for all three and four-year-olds and eligible two-year-olds. Alongside the expansion of ELC hours, a new ‘Funding Follows the Child’ approach is being introduced which will enable parents to choose from a range of approved providers including childminders.
In order to deliver funded entitlement, providers will need to meet criteria as set out in The National Standard for Early Learning and Childcare Providers and successfully complete their local authority’s application process.
This checklist will help you to:
- Work through each of the National Standard criteria to better understand the requirements for childminders
- Thoroughly check that you have everything in place to meet the criteria.
- Evaluate every aspect of your service and plan improvements to ensure high quality care.
INCLUDES links to relevant legislation, guidance documents and further resources to assist in meeting the criteria!
Use also as an excellent Self-Evaluation tool when preparing for your next Care Inspectorate Inspection!
IMPORTANT: As well as meeting the National Standard criteria, your local authority will ask you for further documents and evidence to support your application. Each local authority will have their own application procedure and quality assurance visits to grant funded provider status. If you are unsure of the process in your area, and are interested in applying, you should contact your local authority or early years team for further information.
Note: If you are a newly registered childminder and have not yet been inspected by the Care Inspectorate, you can still complete the application process to become a funded provider with a probationary status. You must however be able to evident that you are meeting or working towards all the other criteria in the National Standard.
Whilst MindingKids endeavours to keep the information in our products up to date and correct, we make no warranties of any kind. It is the responsibility of each individual childcare provider to ensure that they comply with relevant legislation and requirements.
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Please note: This checklist is for childminders registered in Scotland who are looking to apply to become an approved ELC provider.
The check-list is supplied as a PDF File and is not editable.
This item has been carefully designed to assist childminders registered in Scotland understand and meet the criteria set out in The National Standard for Early Learning and Childcare Providers when applying for funded provider status.
Whilst MindingKids endeavours to keep the information in our products up to date and correct, we make no warranties of any kind. It is the responsibility of each individual childcare provider to ensure that they comply with relevant legislation and requirements.