Activity Journal

Create a comprehensive Activity Journal of all activities you do with children and reflect on what was learned and what could be improved.
Also suitable for NURSERY settings!

EYFS Display

Brighten up your setting and demonstrate how you implement the Early Years Foundation Stage by creating an exciting Display! Great for explaining the educational programmes and the activities and experiences you provide to promote learning. 


Brighten up your setting and demonstrate how you get it right for every child by creating an exciting SHANARRI Display!

Ready for Nursery Workbook

Do you care for children who are due to start nursery or pre-school? Help children to prepare with this fun workbook. Packed full of information, activities and ideas, it is an excellent resource for supporting transition!

CPD Record & Planning Pack

This pack will allow you to put together a comprehensive portfolio of your Continuing Professional Development ready to show on inspection and assist you in assessing what further learning and training would benefit you and your setting.

Ready for School Workbook

Help children to prepare for school and look forward to the exciting times ahead. This fun workbook is packed full of information, activities and ideas. An excellent resource for supporting transition!

Today Is (Dates, Weather & Seasons) Chart

Help children to learn about dates and numbers, days of the week, months of the year, weather and seasons and brighten up your setting with this colourful chart. Great for encouraging word and number recognition!