As world leaders come together the COP26 summit in Glasgow, a sense of urgency is building! We MUST ACT NOW to tackle climate change and work together to rebuild a greener planet.
We ALL have a responsibility to protect the environment and encourage better ways of living that will contribute to a sustainable future.
As childcare providers we can do our bit by:
✔ Reducing waste and adopting sustainable solutions
For example cutting down on the amount of unnecessary printed materials and using paperless systems and digital methods to record and share information.
Did you know that MindingKids DOWNLOADS may be completed and shared DIGITALLY and you can try our APP for FREE!
✔ Encouraging water conservation and energy efficiency.
Collect rain water to water the garden, turn off appliances when not in use, and install energy efficient appliances wherever possible.
✔ Sourcing eco-friendly resources and equipment
Make use of natural resources and play materials wherever possible, for example wooden toys rather than plastic, making your own natural paints or play dough and making art work from recycled materials.
✔ Raising awareness and motivating families to be more eco-friendly
Communicate what you are doing in your setting to be more eco-friendly, share tips and and encourage families to contribute or test out sustainable solutions. Try re-usable nappies, growing your own vegetables, buying essentials from a local refill shop, or holding a toy swap coffee morning.
✔ Teaching children about Climate Change the environment and the importance of looking after our planet.
Children learn so much about the world around them through engaging with nature and the environment.
👉Download this FREE Earth Day Activity Ideas Sheet for bundles of educational activity ideas to help children to learn about the importance of caring for our planet.
✔ Providing Outdoor Learning Experiences
Being outdoors enables children to be active and build on physical skills as well as the opportunity to develop a life-long appreciation of the natural world.
👉Download this FREE Outdoor Play Activity Ideas Sheet for inspiration and ideas to get children playing and learning outdoors.
✔ Putting an Environment and Sustainability Policy in place
Whilst not a written requirement, putting a policy in place will help you to consider what you already do, evaluate what further eco-friendly practices can be introduced AND help you encourage families to be more eco-friendly too!
An Outdoor Play Policy can also help to explain the benefits of outdoor play and how it can be used to enhance children’s learning.
👉 Find an Environment and Sustainability Policy and Outdoor Play Policy template included in the Policies & Procedures Pack.
EDIT as required to suit your setting & circumstances.