Website Developments – Update

Further to the planned website maintenance last week, here is a little update of what is happening…

Our developers are working hard behind the scenes to improve user experience and website navigation for our members and customers. Following the development work Gold and Platinum Members will be able to access all downloads directly from each of the product description pages in addition to the Account page… making all files much faster and more convenient to access. We have a little fine tuning to do but we are almost there with this.

For now all members must continue to access all downloads via the Downloads Tab of the Account page.

Thank you all very much for your patience. We will let you know once the new system is up and running.

Web App Developments

In addition to the improved accessibility of downloads, some new features are also being added to the Web App for our Platinum members. Very soon our Web App users will be able to link observations to EYFS Outcomes, Characteristics Of Effective Learning, Curriculum For Excellence or the SHANARRI Wellbeing Indicators then generate Observation Outcomes Reports to easily track children’s learning and development progress!

Keep a look out for more news about the Web App very soon!

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