Self-Reflection Pack
How often do you self-reflect on your provision? Use this pack to regularly assess your strengths and weaknesses. Perfect for referring back to when completing your Self Evaluation or to show as evidence on inspection.
Regular self-evaluation and reflection is essential when providing a professional childcare service. We must check frequently whether the methods we use are allowing us to deliver the highest quality of care whilst also meeting the requirements of our registration and abiding by current legislation.
Inspectors will expect you to have a clear understanding of the areas in which you perform well, and those where further improvements can be made.
In other words, they will expect you to self-reflect on your provision.
This Self-Reflection Pack will assist you in gathering your thoughts and pin point areas where improvements can be made. Use as a tool to gather ideas and information about your service before completing a more thorough review in relation to your Quality Framework / Early Years Inspection Handbook, or to show your inspector how you regularly self-reflect then take action to make improvements.
Use the Think About Sheets alongside the Self-Reflection Sheets in order to evaluate performance in each of the following areas:
Staying Safe
Supporting Healthy Lifestyles
Encouragement & Achievement
Promoting Positive Relationships & Responsibility
Effective Management Of Service
Includes completed examples!
Choose to complete all sections together or perhaps just one section per term and keep together in a file along with the front cover provided ready to show on inspection or refer back to when the time comes to fill in your self-assessment form.
Please see the Further Details tab above for file format and supply information.
👀Find more Self-Evaluation and CPD Support Resources HERE!
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All of the Think About Sheets are supplied as standard PDF files and are not editable.
The Self-Reflection Sheets are provided as PDF Forms. Simply save to your computer or tablet then click in each section to enter information, or print out and fill in by hand.
The download version of this pack is supplied as a ZIP FILE. Please see the Help page for further information.