Healthy Living Display
Teach children about healthy living and create an exciting display for your setting!
Also suitable for NURSERY settings!
Teach children about healthy living and create an exciting display for your setting!
All childcarers have a responsibility to help children to learn about staying healthy and looking after our bodies. This healthy living display is full of colourful images that demonstrate different things we can do to stay healthy. Involve children by asking them to help assemble it, further personalise by adding photographs and captions and add ‘healthy words’ to help children learn new vocabulary and promote word recognition!
Display as individual posters or print out (laminate if desired), trim and assemble together in any way you choose to create an attractive display. See examples below for various options / suggestions:
Example A – Including explanations of why being healthy is good for us in many different ways:
Example B – Displaying as fruits, vegetables and activities that are good for us:
Example C – Including photographs of children eating or doing healthy things to further personalise your display (photographs shown below not included):
Parts of the display could also be trimmed and used as flash cards for games and activities!
Further Details
All files for the display are supplied as PDF Files and are not editable.
This pack is supplied as a ZIP FILE. Please see the FAQ page for further information.
Each PDF sheet is A4 size. Assembling as per Example A would result in a display approximately 45cm x 160cm, Example B – 65cm x 65cm and Example C – 65cm x 78cm. You may decide to assemble your display in an alternative arrangement to suit your setting and space available.
Please note the examples above provide ideas of how the display could be assembled together. The photograph images are part of the example only and are not included in this pack.
This item has been carefully designed to assist childcarers in meeting both English Ofsted and Scottish Care Inspectorate requirements!
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You may also be interested in our Healthy Eating Pack!
A Bumper Pack bursting with resources to assist you planning meals and snacks, obtaining and managing ALLERGEN information, teaching children about healthy choices, cooking safely and maintaining good food hygiene.
Also suitable for NURSERY settings!
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