All About Schemas Sheets
What are Schemas? …and how can we use them in our planning to support children’s learning and development? These sheets explain how to spot them, why they are important and include activity suggestions for each type.
What are Schemas? …and how can we use them in our planning to support children’s learning and development?
These All About Schema Sheets explain what they are, how to spot the different types and give examples of activities that will appeal to children who follow them.
Bind together in a folder to refer to when planning or making observations or use the sheets to make an attractive and informative display in your setting.
Includes all of the following:
- Front Cover
- Introduction Sheet explaining the concept of schemas
- Information sheets for the 8 main types of schema (Trajectory, Transporting, Rotation, Connecting, Enclosing, Enveloping, Positioning and Orientation)
Each information sheet includes a short description, typical behaviour, plus key words and activity suggestions to support that type of schema.
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