Individual Planning & Progress Summaries

These Individual Planning & Progress Summaries provide the perfect solution to consider children’s progress in each of the learning areas and plan ahead to best support development. ✔ EYFS  ✔ Realising the Ambition  ✔ Curriculum for Excellence  ✔ SHANARRI  ✔ Curriculum for Wales. Suitable for childminders and ALL Early Years settings!

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EYFS  Realising the Ambition  Curriculum for Excellence  SHANARRI  Curriculum for Wales

Suitable for childminders and ALL Early Years settings!

⭐NOW UPDATED for Welsh providers to include versions for The five developmental pathways of the Curriculum for funded non-maintained nursery settings and the Curriculum for Wales – Areas of learning and experience.


Carefully considered individual planning will help to ensure the best outcomes for children.

All registered child care providers are required to observe and keep track of children’s learning and development progress and plan ahead to best support them in each of the development areas.

In addition to following their relevant learning framework providers must also consider each child’s interests and abilities when planning activities to stimulate curiosity, build on confidence and encourage next steps.


These Individual Planning & Progress Summaries provide the perfect solution to consider children’s progress in each of the learning areas and plan ahead to best support development.

  EYFS  Realising the Ambition  Curriculum for Excellence  SHANARRI  Curriculum for Wales

Suitable for childminders and ALL Early Years settings 3 versions available for providers based in Scotland, England or Wales!

Plan Next Steps & Record Progress on just one (double-sided) A4 sheet! 

Use independently or alongside further learning and development resources to keep a comprehensive learning portfolio for every child.

Pages may printed and completed by hand or typed into and saved digitally into a learning folder for each child.

Planning Summaries

Individual Planning SummaryIntent Implementation


INTENT – What it is that you would like the child to learn or achieve?

IMPLEMENTATION – How you are going to help the child achieve this?

Think about what INTERACTIONS, EXPERIENCES & SPACES you can offer to best support progress.

Use the Planning Summaries to:
  • List Targets / Learning Outcomes / Skills / Experience Focus
  • Brainstorm Activity Ideas, possibly linking to Topics or Themes to support learning
  • Consider ways of Linking to Child’s Interests
  • Add further ideas to reach target and support Next Steps

EYFS (England) & Realising The Ambition (Scotland) EXAMPLES shown below. Versions for Curriculum for Excellence and SHANARRI (Scotland) and Curriculum for Wales – Development Pathways / Areas of Learning and Experience – Wales also included. (NOTE: This pack also includes versions for the Welsh Foundation Phase which is being replaced by the Curriculum for Wales from September 2022.)

EYFS Planning SummaryRTA-Planning Summary

Progress Summaries

Individual Progress Summary


IMPACTWhat progress was made?

Use the Progress Summaries to:
  • Summarise Progress and Achievements
  • Consider things child needs more practise with or where they can build on confidence
  • Think of ways to embed learning and use new skills and knowledge
  • Add PLODS (Possible Lines of Development) / Ideas for future learning

Developmental Pathways (Curriculum for Wales ) & SHANARRI (Scotland) EXAMPLES shown below. Versions for EYFS (England), Curriculum for Excellence, Realising The Ambition and SHANARRI (Scotland) also included. PLUS versions with the 3 I’s headings (IMPACT)

Developmental Pathways_EXAMPLESHANARRI Progress Example

Basic learning areas templates plus examples included with every version! 

Supplied as PDF forms you can type into the planning and progress sheets then simply save or print out as you wish. 

Complete weekly, monthly, termly or as you feel adequate to effectively plan and monitor progress. 

Planning & Progress Record Cover

Use with the attractive front cover provided to keep detailed Planning & Progress Records for every child!


Learning Frameworks & National Guidance

This pack has been designed to assist childcare providers registered in Scotland, England or Wales with following the relevant learning framework (EYFS – England, Realising the Ambition / Curriculum for Excellence and SHANARRI – Scotland or Curriculum for Wales/Curriculum for funded non-maintained nursery settings  – Wales)

We hope that you will find this resource helpful to use either independently or alongside further resources to support you and your setting in your learning and development support strategy.

Please see the Further Details tab above for file format and supply information.

👉Visit our Learning & Development section for more resources and inspection to help observe, record and plan the next steps to support children’s progress!

or…become a MindingKids member for UNLIMITED ACCESS to ALL our OUTSTANDING Resources!

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You must log in and be a buyer of this download to submit a review.

This pack is supplied as a ZIP FILE. Please see the Help page for further information.  

All Planning and Progress Sheets are supplied as PDF Forms which allow you to type information into them (within the designated fields) before printing or saving as you require. Please note that the actual form layouts cannot be altered, however we are happy to help with minor amendments where required.

You will require a PDF viewer that supports the use of forms. Please see our Help Page for further details.

Alternatively the sheets may be printed out and completed by hand.



MindingKids understands that childcare providers work in different ways and may use various techniques to observe, record and share development information. Many feel it is useful to write lots down, others prefer short notes, some like written records whilst others favour digital, paperless solutions.

Different strategies may also be used for each child depending on their age and learning stage, how often they attend the childcare setting and whether or not they also attend school or another setting.

To accommodate this, MindingKids offers a variety of solutions through our downloadable resources and the MindingKids App to suit different types of settings and ways of working. It is important to find techniques that is right for you, your setting and most importantly the children and families you provide care for.

We hope that you will find this resource helpful to use either independently or alongside further resources to support you and your setting in your learning and development support strategy.