Happy Birthday to the MindingKids Web App!

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Wow! It has been a whole year since the launch of the MindingKids Web App… and what a fantastic response we have had!

We have heard some truly wonderful stories of how the app has helped customers transform the way they organise and manage their childcare setting, and share essential every day information with parents.

“The app is amazing! It has helped me reduce the time I spend on paperwork allowing more time for the children and my own family.”

“My parents love the reports and say they look forward to getting them at the end of the day.”

“My parents are all really loving it and its brilliant not having to worry about loosing or remembering to bring their contact diaries. I also find I am putting more information in and more pictures too as I’m not having to worry about getting them printed. I love how I can just whip out my phone and write what is happening then and there so as I don’t forget anything. Great app. Thank you.”

The MindingKids Web App can be used to:

then…SHARE REPORTS WITH PARENTS at the click of a button!

Full details about it’s features can be found in the App-Guide here: https://mindingkids.co.uk/app-guide/

OR click HERE to try the Web App for FREE!

If you have already signed up for Platinum Membership and are making use of the Web App, we would love to hear how you are getting on. As always we encourage feedback from all of our customers so as we can see what it is we are doing well and where improvements could be made. Please feel free to contact us with details of your experience, suggestions or ideas. We would love to hear from you!

Many thanks, Cheryl & The MindingKids Team! xxx
Avatar - Cheryl

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