💡Energy-Saving Tips for Your Setting

Energy Saving Tips

Eco-Friendly Solutions for Sustainable Childcare

The upcoming rise in the energy price cap this October concerns everyone, including childcare providers. Higher energy bills can strain your budget, but there are ways to mitigate the impact and even turn it into a learning opportunity for the children in your care.

💷The Double Whammy: Personal and Business Costs

Rising energy costs will likely lead to an increase in your home heating bills and the running costs of your childcare setting. Lights, appliances, and maintaining a comfortable temperature all contribute to your energy consumption. By taking steps to be more energy-efficient, you can save money for yourself and your business.

💡Shining a Light on Solutions: Energy Saving Strategies

With a few tweaks and a dose of creativity, you can significantly reduce your energy consumption:

✅Harness the Power of Natural Light: Make the most of daylight by opening blinds and keeping windows clean.

✅Lighten the Lamp Load: Switch to energy-efficient LED light bulbs.

✅Turn it Off!: Unplug unused appliances and electronics and encourage children to switch off lights and electronics when not in use.

✅Smart Thermostat Savvy: Adjust thermostats to comfortable but not excessive levels. Invest in programmable thermostats to automatically adjust throughout the day.

✅Invest in Energy Efficient Appliances: When replacing old appliances, choose energy-efficient models that use less power.

✅Laundry Logistics: Set your washing machine to 30 degrees and air dry laundry outdoors when weather permits.

✅Water Wise: Fix leaky taps and toilets. Reduce shower times and encourage water-saving practices during hand washing and playtime.

✅Embrace the Outdoors: When weather permits, plan activities and playtime outdoors. Fresh air and sunshine are great for children’s well-being and reduce reliance on indoor heating and cooling. Download our FREE Outdoor Play Activity Ideas Sheet for inspiration.

✅Get Moving!: Energy rich activities such as dancing, active games and exercise are not only great for keeping us healthy, they support children’s movement skills, physical development and coordination and on a cold day… will help to keep us warm! Try our Animal Action & Alphabet Cards to keep children active, learn about animals and practice literacy skills!

Animal Action & Alphabet Cards

✅Go Paperless!: Reduce paper and printing costs by finding digital solutions to manage your setting and share information with parents. Did you know that MindingKids DOWNLOADS can be completed and shared DIGITALLY and you can try our APP for FREE!

NEW App Features

🌟Turning Savings into Learning Opportunities

Making energy-efficient choices can be a fun way to teach children about the environment. Here’s how:

  • Get Kids Involved: Involve children in “energy detective” activities, where they help identify areas where energy might be wasted. This raises awareness and teaches them valuable resource conservation skills.
  • Learning Through Play: Use resources like Minding Kids’ Climate Change Activity Pack  and our FREE Earth Day Activity Ideas Sheet to create engaging ways to learn about energy conservation.

Climate Change Activity Pack  Earth Day Activity Ideas Sheet

  • Lead by Example: Discuss the importance of saving energy with the children and involve them in brainstorming ideas for further savings.

🚗World Car Free Day: Think Beyond Childcare

World Car Free Day is coming up later this week! Why not encourage families to consider walking, cycling, or using public transport when dropping off and picking up their children? It’s a great way to connect with the environment, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and promote a healthier lifestyle.

By working together, childcare providers, parents, and children can all play a role in reducing energy use and creating a more sustainable future. So, let’s get creative, save money, and keep our planet cool!

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