🤒Scarlet Fever / Strep A – Parent Information

Scarlet Fever_Strep A Parent Information

With, the number of cases of scarlet fever soaring this winter alongside other winter illnesses making a post pandemic comeback, we must ensure that parents are aware of our illness procedures and what to do if their child is unwell.

We have now added a new Scarlet Fever and Strep A Infection parent information sheet to our Policies & Procedures Pack that can be used alongside our Illness Policy template. (Edit as you require to suit your own setting and circumstances.)

Whilst scarlet fever is usually a mild illness, it is highly infectious and on rare occasions the bacteria can lead to a serious illness called invasive group A streptococcal infection or iGAS which can be life-threatening. It is therefore essential that we be extremely cautious and follow the latest government and health advice in order to keep everyone safe.

🤒Typical symptoms of Scarlet Fever include: 

  • High temperature
  • Sore throat
  • Swollen glands
  • Feeling generally tired and unwell
  • A characteristic fine red rash which feels like sandpaper to touch

Should a child present with any of the following:

  • fever (a high temperature above 38C)
  • severe muscle aches
  • breathing difficulties
  • blue skin, tongue or lips
  • feeling limp / floppy or struggling to stay awake

These could be warning signs of Invasive group A streptococcal (iGAS) infection and medical help should be sought immediately.

Find the latest UKHSA update on scarlet fever and invasive Group A strep here 

📄Read more about Scarlet Fever on the NHS website here

👉Find the new Scarlet Fever and Strep A Infection parent information sheet and an Illness Policy template included in the Policies & Procedures Pack

⭐You may also wish to display this FREE Please KEEP your child at HOME if…POSTER in your setting to remind parents and carers of your illness procedures and when they must keep children at home.

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