FREE – GDPR Guide for Childminders & Childcare Providers!

GDPR - A Guide for Childminders & Childcare Providers

General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR will supersede the UK Data Protection Act 1998 and come into force from 25th May 2018.

Are you ready?… or are you feeling lost and confused as to what it actually means for your childcare business? 

We have put together this FREE guide which focuses on childcare provision, explains the main principles and what you need to do to ensure you are GDPR ready!

Includes summary and checklist highlighting all of the records and documents that you will require to put together or revise. 

In addition to this guide we are currently working on updating some of our resources to ensure compliance with the new regulation and also putting together a GDPR Toolkit to further assist our members and customers in their preparation. Look out for further details coming soon! 

CLICK HERE for further details and to DOWNLOAD the GDPR Guide for Childminders & Childcare Providers…for FREE!

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