Adult Protection Policy – Do you have one?

In addition to protecting the children in our care, we also share the responsibility of ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all adults we come into contact with. In particular we must consider any vulnerable adults or young persons who may be at risk. Our daily work involves connecting with parents, carers and in larger settings, staff members or volunteers. We have a responsibility to protect everyone from harm and should know what to do if we suspect that anyone is at risk.

Some local authorities are now looking for childcare settings to have Adult Protection Policy in place in addition to their child protection and safeguarding procedures.

So….we have added a template Adult Protection Policy to our Policies & Procedures Pack for you.

As with all our policy templates, the Adult Protection Policy is provided as a Microsoft Word document and can therefore be edited or adapted as required to suit your own setting and circumstances.

Click here to find full details of the Policies & Procedures Pack.

Members log into your Account to download.
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