SHANARRI Next Steps Display
Create a bright, informative display to showcase individual or group achievements and plan for next steps.
Includes example observation statements with next step ideas for ALL SHANARRI Wellbeing Indicators!
Create a bright, informative display to showcase individual or group achievements and plan for next steps.
Make observations linking to the SHANARRI Wellbeing Indicators then add next step ideas to further support learning and wellbeing.
Includes example observation statements with next step ideas for ALL Wellbeing Indicators!
An excellent resource to demonstrate how you follow the GIRFEC approach and support children’s wellbeing and development!
A wide assortment of templates are included which can be assembled in a variety of ways to create attractive displays.
The example layout ideas included demonstrate the flexibility of this resource. Various arrangements will enable you to create displays of different shapes and sizes to suit the space you have available and allow you to create both group or individual displays.
Includes ALL of the following:
- Display Labels & Title Sheets
(Diplay Labels Sheet provided as PDF form to allow children’s names to be entered or learning area title’s changed before printing)
- Outcome / Next Steps Sheets PLUS Examples for ALL SHANARRI Wellbeing Indicators
(Outcome / Next Steps Sheets are provided as PDF Forms – Click in the observation or next step notes to add text or edit the examples as required before printing OR print the blank sheets first to complete by hand – Using whiteboard pens on laminated blank observation and next step notes is a great way to use them again and again!)
PLUS…Next Steps Record Book Covers – As an alternative to a display, use the Outcome / Next Steps Sheets along with these front covers to make next steps record books for each child!
- Example Layout images for Individual Next Steps Displays
(Templates to assemble ladder-style layout also included)
- Example Layout images for Group Next Steps Displays
Further Details
The Display Label sheet (with names), Next Steps Record Book Covers and the Outcome / Next Steps Sheets are provided as PDF Forms. Simply click in each area to add / edit information in the designated fields or print out and complete by hand. All other sheets in this pack are provided as standard PDF files or PNG image files and are not editable.
Please see the FAQ page if you require further assistance using PDF Forms.
For best results MindingKids recommends that you laminate the display templates before trimming and assembling as required. Laminating materials are not included.
The display examples shown range in size from approximately 120 x 34cm to 130 x 75cm when assembled but the templates can be trimmed and arranged in whichever way you feel is appropriate for your setting.
The download version of this pack is supplied as a ZIP FILE. Please see the FAQ page for further information.
This item has been carefully designed to assist childcarers in meeting Scottish Care Inspectorate requirements!
Please click here to view the EYFS Next Steps Display for Ofsted registered providers.
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