Keep children active, learn about animals and practice literacy skills with these fun, interactive Animal Action & Alphabet Cards!
Up Helly Aa Activity Ideas Sheet
Keep the kids busy and help them to learn all about the Up Helly Aa fire festival, Vikings and the Shetland Isles with this FREE activity ideas sheet! Links activity ideas to the areas of learning and development!
Scottish Early Years CfE Progress Tracker
Based on the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence this Progress Tracker will enable you to monitor, track and share the development progress of children in your care. Covers the outcomes and expected CfE BENCHMARKS for the Early Level. (Pre-school to Primary 1)
Ratio Variation Pack
Everything you need to manage and plan for a Ratio Variation / Exception to Ratios, assess the risks of a variation and inform parents of a proposed change to your registration conditions.
Outer Space Activity Pack
This pack is bursting full with activities to keep children busy and learn all about outer space, our solar system, planets, space travel, the sun, moon and stars! Includes ACTIVITY PLANS & EXAMPLE EVALUATIONS!
Academic Activity Planner
Plan and Organise Your Learning for the Entire Academic Year!
This comprehensive academic planner helps you map out engaging topics, themes, and activity ideas for the entire school year.
GDPR Toolkit
This Toolkit is bursting with resources and templates to ensure you are ready for GDPR and help your childcare business to maintain exemplary data protection procedures. INCLUDES Data Audit, Privacy Notice, Data Sharing Agreements, Subject Access Request, Data Breach & Privacy Impact Assessment Forms!
Contract Termination Letters
Formally notify parents of the end of your childcare arrangement with these editable letter templates and inform them of important end of contract procedures. INCLUDES: Confirmation of Information Handover Checklist, Photograph Retention Permission Form and End of Service Feedback Form! – Designed to assist with GDPR compliance.
Care Plans & Consents Pack
Collect essential information from children and families and request all of the necessary permissions using these professional care plans and consent forms. Designed to assist with GDPR compliance. Includes Data Sharing Agreement form and examples!
NURSERY & CARE CLUB versions also available!