NEW Early Years Outcomes & SHANARRI Pocket Cards!

Fantastic news! MindingKids has put together handy pocket cards for both the Early Years Outcomes AND the SHANARRI Wellbeing Indicators!

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Now you can have all the information you require to link observations and assessments to the relevant outcomes right at your fingertips!

No more scrolling through page after page of the Development Matters guidance or searching online for the relevant GIRFEC information, these pocket cards condense all the information you require into handy reference cards that you can keep in the drawer, in your bag or even your pocket!

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The Early Years Outcomes Pocket Cards have been designed principally for childcare providers registered by Ofsted following the Early Years Foundation Stage, however they provide an excellent tool for monitoring and assessing the learning and development progress of children everywhere. Includes ALL of the following:

  • Learning Area Cover Cards
  • Age Group Cover Cards
  • Early Learning Goals Summary Cards
  • Early Years Outcomes Pocket Cards for all early years age groups in each of the development areas!
  • Plus Positive Relationships and Enabling Environments information for every stage!
Click HERE for full details of the Early Years Outcomes Pocket Cards!


The SHANARRI Wellbeing Indicator Pocket Cards have been designed principally for childcare providers registered by the Scottish Care Inspectorate, however they provide an excellent guide to monitoring the wellbeing of children everywhere. Includes ALL of the following:

  • Cover Cards & Wellbeing Indicator descriptions.
  • Wellbeing Indicator cards that break down each of the 8 wellbeing indicators into individual outcomes.
  • Assessment Guidance Cards that will break down even further the things you should be looking for within each age group, what you can do to support children, and highlight circumstances where there could be an increased risk to a child’s wellbeing or where further support may be required.
Click HERE for full details of the SHANARRI Wellbeing Indicator Pocket Cards!
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