SHANARRI Pocket Cards
Are you looking for a quick and easy way to refer to the SHANARRI Wellbeing Indicators? These Pocket Cards can provide a quick and handy reference tool and include individual outcomes for each of the wellbeing areas. Excellent for quickly linking observations and assessments!
Whilst these pocket cards have been designed principally for childcare providers registered by the Scottish Care Inspectorate, they provide an excellent guide to monitoring the wellbeing of children everywhere.
Childcare providers registered in Scotland are expected to follow the GIRFEC (Getting It Right For Every Child) approach to monitor, assess and support the wellbeing of every child in their care. Using the SHANARRI Wellbeing Indicators we can look closely at key areas to ensure we are ‘getting it right for every child’.
Are you looking for a quick and easy way to refer to the SHANARRI Wellbeing Indictors during your busy day caring for children?
These SHANARRI Pocket Cards can provide a quick and handy reference tool to each of the Wellbeing Indictors including individual outcomes that you should be looking for within each area of wellbeing. Excellent for quickly linking observations and assessments!
Assessment Guidance cards further detail the things you should be considering under each of the wellbeing indicators plus situations that may increase risk or require additional support.
This pack includes ALL of the following:
- Cover Cards & Wellbeing Indicator descriptions. MindingKids recommends that you print theses double sided to have the appropriate descriptions on the reverse of each cover card.
- Wellbeing Indicator cards that break down each of the 8 wellbeing indicators into individual outcomes. This will help you to assess whether expectations are being met for every child and highlight any problem areas.
- Assessment Guidance Cards will break down even further the things you should be looking for within each age group, what you can do to support children, and highlight circumstances where there could be an increased risk to a child’s wellbeing or where further support may be required.
Examples of Pocket Cards shown below:
(Pack includes all 8 Wellbeing Indicators)
Simply print, laminate (if desired), trim then assemble together to have all the information you require condensed into handy pocket cards!
Cards can be bound together in any way of your choice. A simple effective method is to punch a hole in the corner then use a keyring loop to bind the cards together.
Further Details
All files for the pocket cards are supplied as PDF Files and are not editable.
The download version of this pack is supplied as a ZIP FILE. Please see the FAQ page for further information.
Please note this resource requires to be printed and self assembled. For best results MindingKids recommends that you laminate the pocket cards for improved durability. Laminating materials are not included.
Once trimmed each pocket card measures approximately 7cm x 10cm, with a maximum of 8 pocket cards per A4 sheet.
This item has been carefully designed to assist childcarers in meeting Scottish Care Inspectorate requirements although is relevant for monitoring the wellbeing of children everywhere!
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